Home buying is a complicated and intimidating process, and many home buyers don’t realize how many resources there are to help them. I thought I’d put together a list of resources for Maryland home buyers and Baltimore City home buyers in particular. I’m not affiliated with any of these sites, but I’ve used some of the resources found in my own home search.
- There are several different grant programs available to Maryland homebuyers, and most of them require a homebuyer education class. Even if you don’t get a grant, it’s a great way to wrap your head around the home buying process. A list of homebuyer education providers can be found here.
- One of Marlyands most exciting programs for new homebuyers is SmartBuy, a part of the Maryland Mortgage Program that offers low interest rates, closing cost assistance and helps pay off your student loans!
- Baltimore City offers Live Near Your Work, which offer closing cost assistance for employees of participating companies. It’s a great way to help people to live in the community where they work.
- Live Baltimore is the go to site to explore opportunities for home buyers in Baltimore City. Explore neighborhoods, find out about financial incentives and keep up with local events.
- Once you’ve purchased a home, apply for the Maryland Homestead Tax Credit, which limits the amount of yearly increase in property taxes for owner-occupied properties.
- You can use Nextdoor to connect with your new neighbors and local businesses. Find out what’s going on and be part of your new community.
- The Station North Tool Library offers low cost tool rental and classes to help you get a jump on those projects in your new home. They even have a wood shop open to their members.
These are just a few of the resources available to Maryland home buyers. I hope this helps get you started. If you find any other great resources, share them on the Baltimore Inspection Guy Facebook page.