Registering rental properties in Baltimore City

As of August 1st, 2018 Baltimore City requires the registration of 1 and 2 family rental properties. In addition, multi-family properties that were previously inspected by City inspectors now require an inspection by a third-party home inspector, like Baltimore Inspection Guy.   To schedule an inspection, please call (443) 840-9881 or click here to schedule online.

Here are the inspection items for 1-2 family homes, taken from the Baltimore City Rental Inspection Checklist:

A. Railing is present for interior & exterior steps with more than 3 risers.

B.1 Gas service is metered and active.

B.2 Electrical service is metered and active

C. Electrical live wires are not visible in living areas.

D.1 Electrical outlets are protected by cover plates.

D.2 Lighting fixtures are functional and switches protected by cover plates.

E. Smoke Detectors are properly installed and operational.

F. Carbon Monoxide Alarms are properly installed and operational. (Enter N/A if not applicable)

G.1 There is both hot and cold running water with the hot water having a minimum temperature of 110°F.

G.2 Plumbing fixtures do not leak.

G.3 All toilets properly flush

H. Property appears to be free of interior leaks from water supply and waste lines.

I.1 Windows, which are designed to do so, open and close and have a working locking mechanism.

I.2 All entry doors to individual units close and have a working locking mechanism.

J. Exterior walls and interior ceilings, are free of openings that will allow the entry, into the home, of weather elements such as rain, snow, etc.

K. Exterior gutter and downspout system is installed and designed to channel water away from the property.

L. The property has an operable heat supply system.

M. The interior of the property is clean and sanitary.

N. The exterior is free of rodent burrows.

O. In the course of conducting the rental license inspection I observed evidence suggesting a potential infestation of rodents, insects or other pests. My inspection is not a “pest control consultation” as defined under Maryland Law. I recommend that the property owner consult with a licensed pest control professional.

P. If there is a bedroom in the basement, there is proper egress in case of fire. (Enter N/A if no basement bedroom)

Q. Are there any other readily observable problems that in an inspector’s opinion represent an immediate threat to the health and safety of occupant? If “yes” please describe.

Please note that failure of Items M-Q require the inspector to report the property via 311 for inspection by a City inspector

Multi-family units follow the same report format, however they have some additional inspection items on the Multi-family addendum. The multi-family addendum can be found here.

  1. Public hallways and stairways are free of obstructions.
  2. Public hallways and other common areas are well lit.
  3. Fire separation is intact between dwellings, hallways and stairways.
  4. Fire alarm system is in working order (Enter N/A if not required.)
  5. Fire doors are present, free of defect and closures work.
  6. Exit signs are installed and clearly visible.
  7. Mechanical room (furnace, boiler) has proper clearance and is not used for storage.
  8. Electrical room, (meters, wires) has proper clearance.
  9. The multi family license is posted in a common area
  10. HOTELS & MOTELS Only- Prominently dispels a sign stating that the facility has provided training to all employees on how to identify human trafficking activities and human trafficking victims,
  11. Are there any other readily observable problems in the inspectors’ opinion that represent an immediate threat to the health and safety of the occupant(s)? (If so, “yes” please describe on a separate sheet and submit with this inspection form.)

Please note that these guidelines are current as of April 2019 and are subject to change without notice. For updated guidelines, please visit the Baltimore City Department of Housing website.

If you need a Baltimore County Rental registration, you can schedule your inspection here.